Our Products

Loan Management System

Our loan management software can be used in any size of micro lending business, from small, single offices to big groups and even in banks. Our microfinance management software caters for any micro lending setup, from running your business centrally over the Internet or just managing your business locally in your office.

Loan Application System

The DigiManiax Loan Application System, aka, Digital Lending Platform is an end-to-end workflow based solution enhanced by user-friendly features designed for seamless corporate lending: it can easily handle any complex product or company structures. The applicants can easily apply for a loan online, their submissions are then accessed by back-office staff through the Portal for further processing.


To address the changing needs of how we work, DigiManiax created LetsWorx, a platform that is a dynamically expanding digital services marketplace dedicated to promoting the Gig Economy. The solution connects individuals and organizations looking for talent to meet their requirements by introducing them to a pool of freelancers for their projects.

LetsWorx Academy

LetsWorx Academy aims to transform learning experience by
availing an online platform that integrate learners and educators, businesses and governments globally, with a mandate to accelerate learning.

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